This animation/architecture company specializes in futuristic, Utopian and Dystopian architecture.
The animation is spectacular and I will leave the images to speak for themselves.
Structures built on the London eye? The pavement giving way to the only surviving ecology? Its an interesting concept.
Imagine London as a giant construction site, rebuilding after a world war.
Most of their work lives with the conceptual range...
The images above appear to have been based upon ideas of 'angels' and 'tornados' whereas the top image in the poster below appears to be more contemporaneity themed.
The idea of an alien spaceship, an extra-terrestrial being comes through here
There are elements of the utopia and dystopia in everyday life. They are not a point in the future, they are constant. Ever-changing with the times, heavily affected by the political and sociological systems. But will they get better or worse?